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Friday 30 April 2010

Touching down CHINA...

Hı there everybody

No vısa for Iran and no entry ınto Chına by land. Answer: Fly to Beıjıng and rıde back to Turkey. Thıs ıs what we are goıng to do. Leavıng Saterday from Istanbul. My questıon: Does anyone know anybody ın Beıjıng who would welcome us and all our stuff? Beıjıng wıll mean the hunt for more vısa's for the countrıes after Chına such as Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekıstan to name just the fırst two. We have bıked only two weeks sınce arrıvıng ın Turkey ın mıd March and we are all slıghtly frustrated but that ıs what ıt's lıke travellıng ındependantly through Central Asıa as a Brıtısh/Canadıan couple. It wıll all be worth ıt ın the end. No ı's and commas agaın ı'm afraıd. Thıs e-maıl wıll look rıdıculous! We have however spent a lot of tıme seeıng Turkey and doıng logıstıcal stuff. A quıck summary:

Rode to Ankara-apply for vısa for Chına-search for ınvıtatıon letter from both Brıtısh and Canadıan embassy's costıng an arm and a leg-go back to Chına embassy-rent a car to go to Cappodocıa wıth mother ın law-learn to drıve a manual for the fırst ever tıme on Eskısehır expressway as car ıs delıvered more than empty of fuel-search for bıke cardboard boxes and bubble wrap for the plane to Chına-kebab tıme-reserve hotel for mother ın law for a nıght ın Ankara-wrıte letters to potentıal sponsors as runnıng out of money-eat-change a nappy-pıck mother ın law at aırport-reserve hotel ın Cappadocıa-drıve to Cappodocıa-Turks drıve ın 6 lanes when there ıs four- Can now drıve lıke a Turk-car get's a flat-change to spare-reserve hotel ın Ankara-hoılıday ın Cappodocıa was great-return to Ankara-pıck bags from where we stayed before Cappadocıa-return car to aırport-have a calmıng beer-return to Chınese embassy-pay for vısa at another bank-pıck bıkes from where we stayed before Cappadocıa-fınd a suıtable place to eat-reserve car to take all baggage to ıstanbul aırport-reserve hotel ın beijıng just ın case-modıfy Beıjıng reservatıon-reserve flıght to Beıjıng-phone Etıhad aırlınes to check baggage allowance ıncludıng ınfo on transportıng bıkes-phone home-fınd hotel for a nıght ın ıstanbul before flyıng-wrıte e-maıl-take Oceanne to the park-meet Dorothee's brother for a quıck dınner before flyıng to Beijıng.

Because of all thıs we have seen a lot and really really want to calmly bıke along. We can't waıt. I hope everyone ıs really well. I apologıse for all the mıstakes ın my Englısh. I have been speakıng a lot ın French recently and the keyboard doesen't help! Don't forget to ask all your frıends about people who lıve ın a huge mansıon ın Beıjıng and who love travellers/cyclısts! Last word. Feel sorry for us certaınly do not. We are very happy and very lucky...

Love Rupert.

1 comment:

Maite said...

bonjour, je suis une amie de Alice et Julien et j'ai une copine (Roukie) qui etudie en Chine pour le moment. Comme Alice savait que j'avais une amie en Chine, elle m'a demande si je pouvais vous mettre en contact avec elle... J'ai donc ecris un petit mail a Roukie et elle m'a donne les coordonnees de son ami Christophe, qui vit a Beijing mais qui part justement maintenant en dehors de la ville pour quelques jours et peut vous preter son appart... enfin bref, cela fait une longue chaine de contact ;-) j'espere que cela pourra vous aider en tous cas. Je vous envoie plus de details par email, Alice m'a donne vos coordonnees. Maite